Gem Black
Gem Black
Engine Type
2-Cylinder, Water-cooled, DOHC
Maximum Power
32.5 kW 9000rpm
Maximum Torque
42 Nm 6250rpm
Clutch Type
Wet multi plate, Slipper Clutch
Mechanical Throttle
Steel Tube
Front Tyre
130/90-R16 M/C CST, MT 3.0×16
Rear Tyre
150/80-R16 M/C CST, MT 3.5×16
Front Suspension
Upside Down Telescopic Fork
Rear Suspension
Center Aligned Shock
Rear Fork
Dual-Swing Arm
Front/Rear Suspension Stroke
Front Brake
Ø320mm Single Discs 4-radial calipers J.Juan
Rear Brake
Ø220mm Single Discs J.Juan
*The illustrated vehicles may vary in selected details from the production models and some illustrations feature optional equipment available at additional cost. All information concerning the scope of supply, appearance, services, dimensions and weights is non-binding and specified with the proviso that errors, for instance in printing, setting and/or typing, may occur; such information is subject to change without notice. Please note that model specifications may vary from country to country. In the case of coated surfaces, there may be color differences due to the usual process fluctuations. The consumption values stated refer to the roadworthy series condition of the vehicles at the time of factory delivery.